If you're interested in volunteering, we work as a catalyst for community outreach. Please fill out the following info and contact us with any questions. We coordinate volunteerism for non-profit entities outside of the Institute. If you are a non-profit entity looking for volunteers, please out the form as well so we can do our best to connect people with your organization. If you are interested in internships, positions are available at IEI. Contact us so we can work to coordinate credit with your existing curriculum. Thanks.

We do our best to keep up with News + Events related to environmental health efforts. If you have information you wish for us to post, please let us know and submit via email. Should you wish to be on our mailing list please provide your information and we will be happy to ablige.
Each year we host our annual fundraiser in the hopes of promoting awareness and raising funding for our efforts and the efforts of our collaborators. If you and your friends are interested in attending, please let us know and join our mailing list.